I Recycle. Do You? November 15 is America Recycles Day!
Annual Day of Celebration Raises Awareness and Encourages Action to Increase Recycling Nationwide
(3BLMedia/theCSRfeed) STAMFORD, Conn. - Nov. 15, 2010 -“I Recycle” is the theme of the 2010 America Recycles Day (ARD), which takes place on November 15. Millions of Americans have pledged to increase their recycling habits at home and at work over the 13-year history of ARD, a nationally-recognized initiative dedicated to encouraging people to recycle more at home, at work, and on the go.
National nonprofit Keep America Beautiful is proud to lead the celebration, providing resources and supporting the activities of over 1,500 grassroots event organizers across the country. “Recycling is the easiest thing that any individual can do to reduce his or her carbon footprint, save energy and protect natural resources,” said Matthew M. McKenna, president & CEO of Keep America Beautiful, Inc. “While we celebrate the power of recycling on this special day, it’s something we should all make a conscious effort to do every day of the year.” "On America Recycles Day, EPA encourages all Americans to consider their role in creating a healthy environment by being responsible consumers. By making smarter choices, consuming less, and reusing and recycling, each of us can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment," said Mathy Stanislaus, EPA's Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response. More than 2,000 events have been registered in 2010 ranging from electronics recycling events and paper drives to contests and art exhibits. You can find events near you by visiting americarecyclesday.org, which features a search-by-zip code tool. Even if there’s not a formal event in your area, there are lots of ways to take part.-
Take the America Recycles Day Pledge and commit to recycling as often as possible. Spread the word and tell your friends.
Download the America Recycles Day badge and show your support by featuring it as your Facebook avatar for the day.
Find out what you can recycle in your community and where – you might be surprised at your options. Visit earth911.com and simply type in your zip code for the most comprehensive listing.
Are you a recycling pro? Take it to the next level with the America Recycles Day Challenge.
Join Disney’s Friends for Change and, on America Recycles Day, take an old t-shirt to a Disney store to be recycled and turned into paper.
Download the Aluminate™ iPhone App to help boost your aluminum recycling efforts. Alcoa will donate $1 to Keep America Beautiful for every download!
Get more recycling facts, tips and tools at americarecyclesday.org.
Commit to recycle, and ask your friends to as well, by making a Dream Machine ‘Bottle Promise’ at www.facebook.com/DreamMachine.
Keep America Beautiful, Inc., established in 1953, is the nation’s largest volunteer-based community action and education organization. With a network of over 1,200 affiliate and participating organizations, Keep America Beautiful forms public private partnerships and programs that engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community environments. To join America Recycles Day, visit www.americarecyclesday.org. To learn more about Keep America Beautiful, visit www.kab.org.