Huffington Post Launches CSRHub Sustainability Ratings Widget on HuffPost Green

As previously seen on the CSRHub blog.
CSRHub is proud to announce the launch of its Sustainability Ratings Widget on Huffington Post Green. This tool enables users to quickly access environmental, employee, community and governance ratings on 8,900 companies in 135 industries in 103 countries. You can see the widget in the right side bar on The Huffington Post Green.
“We are excited to have our Sustainability Ratings Widget on Huffington Post Green, and pleased that they share this excitement,” said CSRHub Co-founder and CEO, Bahar Gidwani. “Knowledge is power, and CSRHub gives the widest access to companies’ CSR and sustainability performance to help people make their social value convictions actionable.”
The ten companies that Huffington Post readers have shown the most interest in so far are: Apple, Wal-Mart, Google, Microsoft, Ford Motor, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Target, Costco Wholesale and General Motors. The CSRHub widget allows readers to see a quick summary of the sustainability performance of these companies and compare their performance to those of their peers and competitors, without leaving the Huffington Post site. While reading the latest green business news, individuals can easily find a company's overall sustainability rating, environment, employee, community and governance ratings, and see their industry category and number of rating sources.
CSRHub developed the widget as part of a suite of API tools that allow web publishers and software developers to integrate sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) information into their products. CSRHub also has a RESTful API (application programming interface) to its 49 million-item database of sustainability information. You can see the widget at and documentation on the API at
"This widget will give HuffPost Green readers a clearer understanding of the sustainability efforts of major companies and is a welcome addition to our page. We're excited to be working with CSRHub to provide this information," said James Gerken, HuffPost Green Editor.
Huffington Post and CSRHub both seek to raise public awareness about the environmental and social performance of businesses and to call attention to special issues such as fracking, coal, and nuclear power involvement. CSRHub believes that its ratings improve understanding of CSR progress and performance, encourage critical discussions of how companies treat their employees, affect the environment, adjust their carbon footprint, act in their community, and govern themselves, and encourage companies to provide innovative sustainability-driven products and services. The placement of the CSRHub widget in Huffington Post’s Green section is part of a broad movement towards transparency that ties the marketplace performance of companies to their environmental, social and governance performance.
About CSRHub
CSRHub is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings tool and sustainability information hub that enables managers, researchers, consultants, students and activists to track the CSR and sustainability performance of major companies. CSRHub aggregates data from more 300 sources to provide its users with a comprehensive source of CSR information on about 8,900 companies in 103 countries. CSRHub is a B Corporation. Browse CSRHub’s ratings at
About The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post is a Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, features, and entertainment, as well as a highly engaged community for opinion and conversation. The Huffington Post has 94 million monthly global unique visitors (comScore, November 2013) with more than 40% coming from outside the US. The site has over 50,000 bloggers -- from politicians, students and celebrities to academics, parents and policy experts -- who contribute in real-time on the subjects they are most passionate about and the site posts over eight million comments each month. The Huffington Post has editions in the UK, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Maghreb and Germany. The Huffington Post is part of AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL).