How Do We Solve the Obvious Gap Between What Companies Offer and What Charities Need?

Tom Watson, President and Founder of CauseWired and a Forbes Contributor, was a panelist at America’s Charities annual Giving Under The Influence symposium last week at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The focus of the discussion was on key insights from America’s Charities’ new report, Snapshot 2014: Rising Tide of Expectations – Corporate Giving, Employee Engagement and Impact, and the wide-ranging discussion brought some of the reports’ key findings to life, specifically regarding the obvious gap between what companies offer and what charities need.
In his article, Giving At Work: When Employees Ask for More – and Nonprofits Need It, Tom shares what he took away from the discussion, along with video clips from the event and what he refers to as ‘highlights of what is really an important piece of philanthropic research’.