Houston Astros Catcher Brian McCann Rallies Against Childhood Cancers
Veteran Major Leaguer McCann and his wife team with the Rally Foundation

Major Leaguer Brian McCann & his wife rally against childhood cancers
Houston Astros veteran catcher Brian McCann has been in the middle of plenty of on-field rallies during his 13-year Major League career, but perhaps the most important one he and his wife, Ashley, have been involved with is the Rally Foundation.
In 2017, the McCanns will once again host the Rally Foundation’s annual fund-raising celebrity softball game, scheduled to be played on Saturday, Nov. 11 in Marietta, GA. McCann, an Athens, GA native, who went on to play the first nine years of his big league career with the Atlanta Braves, brings to life the adage that charity begins at home, as he and his wife are committed to going to bat for the Atlanta-based Rally Foundation.
The organization’s mission is to empower volunteers across the country to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures.
“The fight against childhood cancer is a battle,” McCann said during last year’s event. “The Rally Foundation is doing its part to raise money and raise awareness. I’m so thankful and blessed to be a part of it.”
2017 marks the 10th year that the McCanns have been involved with the Rally Foundation, and the relationship began when Ashley befriended a young cancer patient who ultimately lost her battle with the dreaded disease. Over the years, the McCann’s have helped raise more than $4 million for the Rally Foundation.
To learn more about the celebrity softball game and the Rally Foundation, please click here.
Major Leaguers are #GoingToBat for causes near and dear to them, as they personify the Players Trust’s motto to ‘care, act and inspire.’ To learn more about the charitable interests and activities of Brian McCann and other Major Leaguers, please click here.