Four New Substances Added to the EU REACH Candidate List

The list of “substances of very high concern” (SVHCs) has grown to 173 with the recent addition of four chemicals and compounds to the list by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The four new SVHCs can be found here.
These four substances were identified as candidates for the final authorization listing. If placed on the authorization list, a deadline would be established to control their use, reduce their risks the human health, and to seek a safer alternative substance. After the sunset date, companies would need to seek permission to continue using them.
Once a substance is placed on the candidate list, producers and importers of articles are required to notify ECHA if the article contains any SVHCs above a concentration of 0.1%, or if the total amount of SVHCs in all articles produced or imported exceed one ton per year. Similarly, any supplier of articles that include SVHCs above the concentration threshold must provide safety and substance information to their customers. To learn more about how SVHCs are identified and what you need to do to meet reach compliance requirements, click here.
Source Intelligence maintains a comprehensive listing of restricted substances under the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation, which was established by the European Union in 2006. The REACH regulation was adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, but also is designed to help the EU chemicals industry maintain a competitive edge.
REACH compliance requires significant identification and reporting processes. Under Source Intelligence’s SaaS platform, suppliers can easily list their products subject to REACH regulations to meet both the needs of customers and the EU rules.
REACH is considered one of the most comprehensive and strictest laws to date governing chemicals and their potential harm to humans and the environment. Although REACH was established and is enforced by the EU, the law has worldwide implications given the complexities of international goods movement and the requirement to communicate the presence of substances up and down the supply chain. Some non-EU countries are also adopting rules similar to REACH.
Source Intelligence’s extensive database and wide range of programs enable companies and suppliers to file their materials and products in a single location in order to meet a wide range of regulatory requirements, including REACH compliance and rules in the U.S. and other countries. To learn more, click here.