FNS & Feed the Children Team Up Through Summer Food & Education Program
Ensuring kids who need nutrition in the summer get it.

As one of the largest international charities based in the United States, Feed the Children's mission is to provide hope and resources for those without life's essentials. Everything Feed the Children does in the U.S., or in the 18 countries they serve around the world is mindful of their vision that no child or family goes to bed hungry.
In February 2013, Feed the Children requested a meeting with FNS (Food and Nutrition Services division of the USDA). Feed the Children President & CEO, Kevin Hagan, sat down with them to talk about SNAP outreach and many other things, and how the two organizations could collaborate. Eventually, the conversation settled on the Summer Food & Education Program. FNS works with a host of anti-hunger organizations, state governments, and other entities that distribute and host outreach. They wanted to work with a large spectrum of organizations at all levels, so they didn't choose Feed the Children over someone else, but rather added them to their list of partners.
“Feed the Children is bolstering our Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in a way that’s never been done in Oklahoma and will have a significant impact on addressing childhood hunger in rural communities across the country,” said Audrey Rowe, Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Services. “Their commitment to providing consistent, reliable food and education access is as unwavering as ours, and we fully support their efforts in opening the doors to greater access.”
We recently interviewed Feed the Children about this partnership. Below is a Q&A from that conversation: