FedEx Readies COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Pipeline
By Brett Larson I FOXBusiness I
Nov 13, 2020 9:30 AM ET
FedEx | Delivering for Good

FedEx Readies COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Pipeline
The world is closer to a coronavirus vaccine after Pfizer and BioNTech disclosed, on Monday, that their treatment proved to be 90% effective in the first 94 patients it was tested on.
While there is still work to do, when the vaccine becomes available, FedEx will be ready to deliver millions and eventually billions of doses from the manufacturers to the consumer.
The world's largest shipping company has over 5,000 facilities, 80,000 vehicles, 670 aircraft and half a million team members around the globe ready and some new technology in place to help out, Richard Smith, President of the Americas Region for FedEx Express and Executive VP of Global Support, tells FOX Business.