FedEx Makes Forbes List of World’s Most Reputable Companies For Corporate Responsibility 2019

FedEx Makes Forbes List of World’s Most Reputable Companies For Corporate Respo…
The Forbes article notes the importance of a company focusing its CSR efforts in ways that are “unique to your organization.” FedEx strives to do just that as we focus our CSR work on areas aligned with our expertise and values.
At FedEx, giving is focused on five areas that align with business strengths and address some of the world’s problems in a thoughtful way. In addition to five pillar focus areas, FedEx also supports programs related to Diversity and Inclusion, which are important aspects of FedEx culture.
The five focus areas at FedEx are Delivering for Good, Sustainable Transportation, Employment Pathways, Road Safety and Global Entrepreneurship. At, each area is explained in detail and success stories are shared. On the site, visitors may also download detailed reports on each focus area. The reports provide information on how FedEx engages with leading local, national and international nonprofits to make a positive difference in the world.
FedEx recently launched “FedEx Cares 50 by 50,” a journey to positively impact 50 million people around the world by the company’s 50th anniversary in 2023.