FedEx Business Spotlight: Girls Chronically Rock!

Originally published in FedEx's 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Report
For as long as she can remember, Cambridge, MA native Keisha Greaves has had a “passion for fashion” and wanted to be her own boss. She held onto that dream as she graduated from college, but it was while she was in grad school at age 24 that she got the news that would change her life – Keisha was diagnosed with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (MD).
Family support helped her come to terms with her “new normal,” and Keisha pushed on to start her business – “Girls Chronically Rock” – in 2017 selling graphic t-shirts.
The shirts have been featured on the Today Show and “Good Morning America,” but Keisha realized there are aspects of running a business she needed to learn more about. Keisha enrolled in Babson College’s Black Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership (BWEL) program to expand her business knowledge and network.
“It’s unique --- you don’t hear about a lot of accelerator programs especially designed for Black women. I love it when we break into groups and share problems and solutions. So far, I’ve already learned a lot. I’m learning about the importance of marketing and sharing my story, financial literacy, and I’ve been paired with a fantastic mentor.”
Keisha Greaves, Founder of Girls Chronically Rock
FedEx supports three Babson College programs for women entrepreneurs.