Facts About Global Poverty and Health
Poverty and Health Are Strongly Linked - That's Why Children International Focuses on Improving Health for Kids

Facts About Global Poverty and Health
Poverty and health are strongly linked. Health problems can plunge people into poverty or keep them from escaping it, and those in poverty are more likely to suffer disease because of lack of treatment. It’s why Children International focuses on improving health for kids.
Did you know that each year, 2 million children die from preventable diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia because families can't afford treatment?
Learn more facts about global poverty and health at children.org.
About Children International
Children International is a top-rated humanitarian organization focused on ending poverty by helping children and youth. We take a holistic approach to our programs and work through local professional staff at each of our 70+ community centers worldwide. Our goal is that each child graduates from our program healthy, educated, employed and empowered to break the cycle of poverty.
For more information about Children International, visit children.org.