Environment - FedEx's Approach to Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize

Originally published in FedEx's 2021 ESG Report
At FedEx, we understand our business has an impact on the environment, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to minimize these impacts. Our Practical Sustainability philosophy and the results of our 2019 materiality assessment guide our environmental strategy.
Practical Sustainability emphasizes strategic and transformational stewardship that helps deliver successful long-term performance, transparency in sharing progress, product and operational innovation, and leadership in advocating for next-generation solutions. This philosophy helps us identify and implement the right initiatives to address our material impacts, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and protect against future risks. Practical Sustainability returns value to the organization while driving our Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize approach.
- REDUCE: Reduce or eliminate impacts from activities or operations
- REPLACE: Use the right solutions in the right applications
- REVOLUTIONIZE: Discover and utilize the technologies and solutions of tomorrow, today
Our Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize approach guides our environmental strategy across three key areas of our environmental footprint:
- Aviation Fleet
- Vehicle Fleet
- Facilities and Materials
Throughout FedEx, team members are encouraged to implement our sustainability strategy and achieve our goals. We equip team members, who play a key role in our success, with a variety of internal programs to advance our progress in reducing fuel emissions, energy use, and waste in the workplace.
In March 2021, we announced our goal to achieve carbon neutrality for our global operations by 2040. We also invest strategically with global NGOs to move people and goods more sustainably, leveraging team-member expertise to collaborate and drive improvements to urban mobility and clean technology availability. For example, with Rocky Mountain Institute’s Third Derivative climate innovation accelerator, our team members are supporting clean technology start-ups in the transportation, packaging, and energy sectors as they scale the business or product for widespread market adoption. Read more about our FedEx Cares pillar: Sustainable Logistics.