Empowering Local Businesses Through Business Connect Events

Feb 26, 2025 9:00 AM ET


An unusual amount of chatter filled the air at three of PSE&G’s Customer Care centers recently as business customers gathered to have their questions answered and become more familiar with their PSE&G energy partners.

Jamie Kujawski, owner and CEO of Star Energy and a trade ally in energy efficiency programs, said he was excited to attend the Business Connect event in New Brunswick.

It’s a good opportunity to talk to the people behind the scenes … it’s easier to resolve issues when you’re able to meet in person and get to know people in these small forums.”

– Jamie Kujawski (right), owner and CEO of Star Energy and a trade ally in energy efficiency programs.

“It’s a good opportunity to talk to the people behind the scenes,” he said, as he flipped through his notebook of meticulously documented state regulations. “New Jersey has the best energy efficiency program for the customer that I’ve witnessed. It shows the commitment to clean energy.”

Yet Jamie said he had pressing questions about some of the process details before the next energy efficiency program cycle starts in January 2025. He said he was grateful for the personal attention he received and hopes it will help him serve his hotel and restaurant clients even better moving forward.

“It’s easier to resolve issues when you’re able to meet in person and get to know people in these small forums,” Jamie said. “The first 20 minutes were hugely helpful.”

Property Manager Atul Sethi of Paragon Estates said he had two goals in mind when attending the event: Obtain help in better managing his numerous accounts and receive more information on energy efficiency and EV rebates.

He added the event was valuable and met both of his goals.

Business Connect workshops also were held in Hackensack and Trenton and had information on everything from renewable energy to understanding your bill and your smart meter. Special guests included representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration.

“We know our small business customers join us in caring about the communities we serve and our planet. These in-person events offer opportunities to build relationships and get advice about everything from saving energy and saving money through energy efficiency to bill payment options,” said Nicole Swan-Bennett, senior director – Customer Care, who attended all events. “We also took the opportunity to listen to the needs and interests of small business owners in PSE&G’s territory, so that we can better serve them.”

Small businesses seeking more information can start on the PSE&G business and contractors website.