eBay Releases 2016 Diversity & Inclusion Report
Our Diversity & Inclusion Report provides an account of where we've been, where we are and where we're headed.

by Damien Hooper-Campbell, Chief Diversity Officer
This is the first Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Report that we’ve issued since spinning off PayPal in 2015. Given the impact we knew this organizational change would have on our culture, size and business strategy, we made a deliberate decision to wait until we had at least a full year as a standalone company behind us before issuing this report.
We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about exactly what we wanted this report to achieve. Most important, we want to be authentic and transparent about D&I at eBay. This report won’t tell you that everything is perfect at eBay or that we’ve discovered “the” solution to the D&I challenges facing our sector. Instead, this report is meant to be an honest account of where we’ve been, where we are and where we are committed to going. It includes numbers and data, but also qualitative content. We think both components are critical to provide you with a balanced picture of D&I at eBay. Finally, this report shares the approach we’re taking – one we believe is comprehensive, global and human.
We want to invite you – our sellers, buyers, current and future employees, and others who are interested in eBay and D&I – into the conversation we’re trying to spark inside and outside of eBay’s walls.
View the full report (PDF) and visit our Diversity & Inclusion website.