Earth Day Is Every Day: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Year-Round
Earth Day Is Every Day: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Year-Round
Earlier this week, we outlined what’s in store for Earth Day 2013, including this year’s theme, “The Face of Climate Change,” and some of the events, celebrations and festivals taking place.
In 2013, take the pledge to make every day Earth Day! Below, find a list of simple things you can do year-round to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as raise awareness about carbon emissions, global warming and climate change within your community.
Plan an Earth Day Event: For large-scale events, it may be too late to join in the 2013 preparations or planning committees, but the best part of Earth Day is that it happens every year! If the Earth Day bug has bitten you, talk to some of the volunteers at this year’s festivals/celebrations and see how you can help out with future events. Hosting a small get-together or neighborhood party may be a more feasible task for this year – be sure to check out our previous post on eco-friendly event planning!
Commit to a “Green Goal” Every Week: Each week, resolve to make an eco-friendly lifestyle change, such as riding your bike to work or being extra water conscious. Try to keep these resolutions going all year long, and make them a part of your everyday routine!
Join a Community Organization: Chances are, within your community, there are already a number of eco-conscious organizations, groups, or committees that you can join. Can’t find one that suits you? Create your own! Change is more effective when we band together.
Set an Example: The best way to influence your friends, family, and peers about eco-friendly behavior is to set the example. Be sure that you’re promoting green behaviors, making eco-friendly lifestyle choices, and paying close attention to lowering your carbon footprint on a daily basis. You may find your habits rubbing off on others!
Teach Your Kids About Going Green: There are a number of lessons you can teach your kids to get them thinking green at a young age. Read our top tips here.
Consider Carbon Offsetting: Total carbon neutrality is a difficult task. Purchasing carbon offsets is one way to make a carbon neutral lifestyle a reality. Are you curious about how to offset your carbon footprint? Check out our website for information.
A carbon neutral lifestyle can be a challenge — but one that you don’t have to tackle alone. We’re here to help! Reduce your carbon footprint with help from JustGreen Lifestyle’s Carbon Offsetting program and products.