Domtar Sponsors World Book Night U.S.
Campaign to Encourage Reading Donates 500,000 Books Nationwide

Montreal, April 24, 2014 /3BL Media/ – For the second year in a row, Domtar Corporation (NYSE: UFS) (TSX: UFS) sponsored World Book Night U.S. , an ambitious campaign to encourage reading. World Book Night U.S. distributed 500,000 free books at more than 6,000 locations nation-wide on April 23 – Shakespeare’s birthday.
About 25,000 volunteer book lovers, including Domtar staff at two dozen facilities, will personally hand out specially printed copies of a wide range of books. Domtar donated paper to produce Young Men and Fire by Norman McLean, which was printed on behalf of the publisher, University of Chicago Press, by McNaughton & Gunn located in Saline, Michigan. Other titles include award-winning and bestselling books for adults and young adults, as well as classics in English, Spanish and larger print. Recipients will be people who either don’t read frequently or don’t have the means or access to printed books.
“Each year our effort gets bigger and bigger as we help foster a love of reading,” said World Book Night U.S. Executive Director Carl Lennertz. “We’re grateful to be working with Domtar and for the company’s help in getting these books in the hands of people who will appreciate them.”
Domtar’s commitment comes as part of its award-winning PAPERbecause campaign (, which showcases paper’s sustainability and enduring value in a digital age.
“Reading a book empowers people and brings them joy, and we’re proud to support World Book Night,” said Paige Goff, Domtar’s vice president of sustainability and business communications. “This is another reminder of the power of paper.”