Digital Giveback Campaign 2021 Overview
It’s no surprise that the COVID 19 pandemic has exacerbated a growing digital divide across the country. To help bridge the divide, Qualcomm Incorporated collaborated with Computers 2 Kids to host their second annual Digital Give Back Campaign, intending to provide digital devices to the many local students in need.
During the seven-week campaign at the end of 2021, Computers 2 Kids received 486 computing devices (such as laptops, desktops, tablets, and phones), 209 monitors or screens, and almost 4,000 pounds of additional hardware (such as keyboards, speakers, data storage and more) from Qualcomm, its employees, and other community members.
“Access to digital devices can be a real barrier to academic success for students locally, and as the area’s largest technology company, we want to help” says Angela Baker, Chief Sustainability Officer at Qualcomm. “Collaborating with Computers 2 Kids on the digital give back campaign allows us to utilize our resources and our local network to provide devices to students in San Diego – our next generation of tech leaders.”
The environmental impacts of recycling these types of donations are sizable. Donations from this campaign alone provide the equivalent of enough electricity to power 121 US households – or equal to taking 51 passenger cars off the road—for a year. Additionally, it reduced hazardous waste by the weight of 3,613.50 lbs. and provided a replacement cost savings of more than $136,000.
Computers 2 Kids San Diego refurbishes these used devices and delivers them to families in need across San Diego County. Each recipient also receives a webcam, a WIFI adapter, education, training, and technical support. Additionally, computers are loaded with an educational software package designed for K-12 users and their families to ensure a successful home learning environment.