A Conversation With Our Heads of DEI and Corporate Responsibility
NortonLifeLock maximizes diversity, equity, and inclusion impact by collaborating across the company

NortonLifeLock Blog | Diversity & Inclusion
By Talin Danayan | Head of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
NortonLifeLock’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Corporate Responsibility (CR) teams work together to create successful DEI programs and outcomes. The leaders sat down to discuss their collaboration and celebrate their successes in 2021.
Talin Danayan (TD, Head of DEI) : Hi Kim! As I reflect on the last year, I think we would both agree that 2021 was a whirlwind of a year.
Kim Allman (KA, Head of Corporate Responsibility): It certainly was, Talin. We’ve all agreed to retire the word “unprecedented,” but 2021 was, again, a year like no other. However, I feel it was a great year for us as we drove both DEI and CR impact across our company and in the communities where we live and work.
TD: It really was a fantastic year. DEI and CR have been and continue to be an important priority for NortonLifeLock. We made significant progress in large part due to our ongoing collaboration and alignment on our goals. From our Diversity Partners to the volunteer events co-sponsored with our NortonLifeLock Communities (our employee resource groups), we work together to ensure that the investments made and volunteer opportunities provided align with our DEI and CR strategies and initiatives. What comes top of mind for you when you reflect on last year and our partnership?
KA: So much. One of the first things that comes to mind is that Corporate Responsibility invests, or provides grant funding, to nonprofits, training partners, and education initiatives that focus on increasing representation and inclusion. I love how we discuss our grant funding together as one team to make sure the investments we make align with our DEI goals and priorities. In 2021, we made key investments – while also furthering inclusion efforts, such as through our partnerships with Out & Equal (O&E) and Human Rights Campaign. And from Corporate Responsibility’s side, we can’t authentically push for equity and inclusion unless we are also doing that work in our communities.
TD: There is a huge focus around representation and how to get from where we are to where we want to be and, importantly, the steps we take to create an inclusive environment, where everyone is respected and encouraged to thrive and where our employees feel like they belong. And these organizations have been great to work with and leverage as thought partners in our journey.
KA: I couldn’t agree more. As I mentioned, DEI is also one of my team’s five priority areas. Our goal is to invest in high-impact nonprofits to bring more women and underrepresented groups into cybersecurity and tech. One of our partners, Reboot Representation, spoke to our employees during a Panel Discussion last January about creating a more equitable and diverse tech sector. NortonLifeLock is a proud part of the Reboot Coalition committed to doubling the number of Black, Latinx, and Native American women graduating with computing degrees by 2025 –aligning with where we want to be as we grow.
TD: Representation really matters, and that was such a fantastic, eye-opening panel that outlined the work we still have to do to bring higher numbers of women into STEM. So, from an educational point of view, awareness events, such as Fireside Chats, is another great example of our Communities and employees being supported by the company. Our N-PRIDE Community celebrated PRIDE last June by hosting a virtual parade that included a conversation with LGBTQ+ identifying leaders from within NortonLifeLock and other organizations, including from O&E. We received some fantastic feedback, so we know this is one of the ways forward! It is great to see that our employees are curious and open to learning more about critical DEI topics.
KA: Good call out. O&E is an organization that works globally on LGBTQ+ workplace equality. We had one of the leaders of O&E come in to help us celebrate Pride and explain what it means to be truly out at work and just how important it is to work in an environment where you are welcome to be who you are. As an LGBTQ person, it was really meaningful to have that discussion at work and be fully supported. Very impactful.
TD: Agreed. Another way we drive more impact is through the volunteering that comes out of those nonprofit investments. These were all fantastic opportunities to do our part tangibly. Our NortonLifeLock Communities help us co-create a sense of belonging for employees, and they also help us increase awareness and offer further education and learning opportunities.
KA: You are right! Through our NortonLifeLock Communities, we offered 10 incredible volunteering and education events in 2021. Some of my favorites were when N-PRIDE, our LGBTQ+ Community, hosted an event to assemble care kits to assist LGBTQ+ youth and when our WONDER (Women Outreach and Development Resources) Community ran a career panel in Arizona with Year Up. WONDER also partnered on a Dress for Success event in Dublin and a United Way Arizona event supporting 40 high school students through a career panel and breakout sessions. These volunteer events have been some of the most popular initiatives for employees, and I’m excited to co-host many more in 2022.
TD: Talking of 2022, I’m really excited to continue to work with our Diversity Partners and nonprofits, make a difference in our communities with volunteer events, host candid Fireside Chats and provide all employees globally opportunities for education and awareness on important DEI topics.
To learn more about NortonLifeLock’s diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments and impact, read our 2021 ESG Report.