Conflict Minerals Regulatory Compliance and Its Effects
Consumers, NGO's, Corporations, and Government Policies Contribute

How conflict minerals funded a war that killed millions, and why tech giants ar…
Nick Heath wrote an article for TechRepublic about the following:
- the impact the militias are having on people in the DRC,
- the road that has lead corporations to take action to avoid sourcing from the DRC, and
- the impact that this avoidance is having on the Congo mining industry as a whole.
Conflict minerals, which are found in consumer products as diverse as toothpaste you use in the morning, the cell phone you use all day, and the car you use to drive home, have funded a war that killed millions. Corporations are getting wise to the risks associated with using these minerals, and are using Source Intelligence to help them comply with regulations put in place with section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The TechRepublic article helps to understand the various ramifications of the actions of the militia’s and the public, government, NGO, and corporate actions to oppose them on the people of the DRC itself.
A recent conflict minerals compliance report has shown the positive correlation between the success of a conflict minerals compliance program and educating external and internal stakeholders. This webinar is designed specifically for conflict minerals working groups, professionals working on conflict minerals compliance in their organizations, and those looking to engage with stakeholders in a more effective way.
Attend this webinar to:
See a VIP tour of the Conflict Minerals Resource Center
Learn how a Conflict Minerals Resource Center can easily educate your internal team, suppliers and keep you on top of regulation and news
All attendees will receive 50% off registration to the CMRC.
Register HERE to view this complimentary presentation and soon to be released report.