The Conference Board Announces Building a Sustainable Future: The Global Energy Transition (May 16 and 17, 2024 in NYC)

The global shift to renewable energy presents significant opportunities for businesses. Research by The Conference Board reveals nearly 60% of C-suite executives around the globe say it will be good for their companies, and approximately 70% of both businesses and consumers factor environmental sustainability into their spending decisions.
This transition will impact various aspects of your company, including business strategy, operations, finance, technology, workforce, investor relations, communications, and governance.
Join us in NYC on May 16 and 17, 2024, at Building a Sustainable Future: The Global Energy Transition. This event promises to be the most comprehensive and insightful gathering of 2024. It will feature leading speakers from government and industry, as well as confidential Chatham House Rule roundtable conversations among participants.
By attending, you will come away with actionable insights, connections, and an improved strategy for capitalizing on the opportunities by the global energy transition. Some of the critical topic areas we will be addressing include:
- Where Are We in the Energy Transition?
- What Are the International Forces at Play?
- Where Are the Growth Opportunities in Energy Transition?
- Playbook for Reaching Net Zero
- What Does the Presidential Election Mean for the Energy Transition?
- Do Consumers Actually Care?
- A Quick Overview of the National Climate Assessment
- What Kind of Capital Investments Will be Needed in the Energy Transition?
- How Can Boards Add the Most Value?
- Is Technology the Answer?
- What Role Should Carbon Credits Play?
- How Can You Tell Your Energy Story More Effectively?
And more!
Register by March 29th and Save $500