From Concept to Collaboration: Navigating the Road to Higg FEM 4.0

As an organization that has committed to continually evolve its tools to meet the needs of members and users, the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is eagerly awaiting the Higg FEM 4.0 launch on November 2. For the past two years, the SAC has collaborated with its members, partner organizations, and stakeholders to build a tool that reflects the collective spirit of making meaningful, measurable impact on the industry’s most urgent issues.
In his blog post, Jeremy Lardeau, Vice President, Higg Index at the SAC shares his reflections on the journey to the evolution of the HIgg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) tool and the impactful and necessary changes it will bring to ultimately reshape how sustainable decisions are made along the supply chain.
Read his blog post titled, From Concept to Collaboration: Navigating the Road to Higg FEM 4.0 on the SAC website.