Code REDD Co-Presents Inaugural REDD+ Talks Event
America's First Symposium on Global Warming and the Vital Role of REDD+
Earth Day 2013 brought together corporate leaders, policymakers, and climate change experts for the first ever symposium on global warming and the role of REDD+. The event was hosted by Wildlife Works, and co-sponsored by CSRwire and Code REDD.
The day was a huge success, with many incredible speakers like Microsoft’s Senior Director of Environmental Sustainability, TJ DiCaprio; Nobel Prize Recipient and Chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri; and the Chairlady of the Tumaini Women’s Group in Kasigau Kenya, Mama Mercy Ngaruiya. The press release for the event can be found here.
The REDD+ Talks website now has videos of all the talks and speaker bios, along with a wonderful intro video explaining REDD+ and the state of the climate.
Continue to follow @REDDTalks or the hastag #REDDTalks on Twitter for more updates on the event, and REDD+ in the news.