Clean Cargo Working Group: Transparency and Transformation in Ocean Transport

Clean Cargo Working Group: Transparency and Transformation in Ocean Transport
By Nathan Springer, Manager, Advisory Services, and Angie Farrag-Thibault, Associate Director, Transport and Logistics, BSR
Today, 90 percent of what you own comes from far-flung regions via ocean, air, and land, yet the environmental impacts of transporting these products are not always clear. However, new approaches that increase transparency are improving the sustainability of the goods that fuel our global economy.
We have worked with some of the world’s largest companies and their ocean-transport partners for more than 10 years as part of the Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG), one of BSR’s longest-running collaborative initiatives. CCWG is an international business-to-business initiative that works to improve sustainability performance through the measurement, reporting, and evaluation of environmental metrics. The group now comprises 40 leading cargo carriers and their customers, representing approximately 85 percent of ocean container cargo. Through the tools and methodology CCWG offers, these companies are increasing the transparency of their environmental performance, which helps them understand and manage their sustainability impacts.
Transport accounts for about a quarter of global energy-related carbon emissions. As one of the transport-sector initiatives in BSR’s Business in a Climate-Constrained World work, the CCWG and its members are doing their part to reduce climate impacts in two ways...
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