Citizen Philanthropy: Infinite Possibilities on Pi Day and All Year
By Leona O' Sullivan
At VMware, we have established an annual tradition of celebrating Pi Day each March 14 by embracing our core EPIC2 values and getting geeky about giving back. Pi is woven throughout VMware Foundation programs as a way to make them memorable and uniquely VMware. For example, each VMware person is eligible for $3.14 to $3,141.59 of 1:1 Matching Gifts for their nonprofits of choice each year. As we progress towards VMware’s 2030 Agenda, the infinite possibilities of VMware’s culture of service are front of mind.
By extension, Pi Day gives us another opportunity to remember the infinite possibilities we have to support our communities year-round. Most VMware Foundation programs are not time-constrained nor campaign-based. Rather, as a company, we encourage VMware people to support their communities through programs like Service Learning, Matching Gifts, and Citizen Philanthropy Investments throughout the year. While we see year-end remains a popular time for people to support their communities, we know that community needs are ongoing and often not confined to a specific time of year. As such, we encourage VMware’s Citizen Philanthropists to be active in their communities year-round.
Creating this environment of choice and flexibility enabled 77% of the VMware community to support their nonprofits of choice last year. That’s more than 26,000 VMware people around the world! Showing the varied interests of our diverse community, VMware people supported more than 14,000 nonprofits in 100 countries through VMware Foundation Citizen Philanthropy programs, amplifying their contributions of time, talent, and resources. Here are some inspiring stories of Citizen Philanthropy in action that bring these numbers to life.
This Pi Day, as we think about the year that just passed and focus our energy on the strength and interconnectedness of our VMware community going forward, the infinite possibilities of our collective impact seem more important and inspiring than ever, propelling VMware towards our 2030 Agenda. To bring about the change we wish to see in the world, each of us must take action, and it is an honor to be part of such an active community of Citizen Philanthropists.