Citi Joins NYC Mayor’s Carbon Challenge to Reduce Greenhouse Gases at Global Headquarters

Citi Joins NYC Mayor’s Carbon Challenge to Reduce Greenhouse Gases at Global He…
By Don Callahan, Head of Operations and Technology, Citi
Work is well underway in transforming Citi’s Global Headquarters located at 388 Greenwich Street into a modern, world-class facility that supports Citi’s businesses and functions, enabling employees to connect and work more closely together, and to better serve our clients and customers. We recognize that it’s not enough to talk about the importance of sustainability, but to make it a priority in all that we do.
And that’s why we’re joining the NYC Mayor’s Carbon Challenge, a citywide leadership initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in many of the largest commercial buildings in the city by 30% in 10 years. Citi and other New York-based commercial owners and tenants joining the challenge represent more than 58 million square feet of real estate, contributing to a total of 322 million square feet of real estate, a sizeable footprint across our city.