Chairman and CEO Alex Gorsky Profiled by the Financial Times About Johnson & Johnson's Work on a Potential Covid-19 Vaccine
The article explores what guided the decision, which is just the latest example of our Chairman and CEO's people-first approach to leadership at our healthcare company.
Johnson & Johnson scientists are fast at work on a potential vaccine for Covid-19 that our company plans to provide on a not-for-profit basis.
It's a decision that underscores our company's deep commitment to its 77-year-old mission statement, known as Our Credo, which states that Johnson & Johnson's "first responsibility is to the patients, doctors and nurses, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality."
That commitment permeates the decisions that Gorsky makes both inside and outside our company, especially during this coronavirus pandemic.
In this Financial Times profile, read about the decision to make the vaccine available on a not-for-profit basis, his work to help redefine the purpose of corporations through the U.S. Business Roundtable—and his people-first approach to leading at Johnson & Johnson.
Read the article: Johnson & Johnson Chief Looks to the Greater Good