Celebrating Grocers Doing Good with the 2018 Community Outreach Awards

Nov 19, 2018 10:00 AM ET

Originally published on Food Marketing Institute

Community service is such an expected part of the food retailer profile. It is easy to take their neighbor commitment for granted, but each year, the Food Marketing Institute seeks to recognize the oft-overlooked, but numerous unmentioned contributions and gestures of goodwill that grocers make to enhance the communities they serve.

Neighborhood Health Improvement Award Winner

Eating Healthy With Diabetes

Albertsons Companies

Eating Healthy With Diabetes is a grocery store tour offered at no cost and led by a locally registered dietitian and an in-store pharmacist. The program is on-track to conduct over 300 tours, with an average tour size of 8-10 individuals. Many Albertsons dietitians partnered with government programs and community groups on the tours.

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Learn more about our community and philanthropic initiatives in our 2018 Annual Sustainability Update