CCMC Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A project team at Caterpillar China Machinery Components (CCMC) in Wuxi, China, set a goal to reduce energy, water and steam use at the plant in order to bring down costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The team's suggestions included upgrading air compressors and switching from metal halide to LED lamps in the plant. These two projects have provided a total reduction of approximately 200 metric tons of CO2e annually. Other actions taken by the team include the reuse of water in the paint line, which helps reduce water use by 14,400 cubic meters annually, and the reuse of condensate water for the paint line and the wash station, which saves 3,400 cubic meters of steam each year.
To learn more about Caterpillar’s 2020 Aspirational Sustainable Development goals to increase energy efficiency by 25 percent visit the 2012 Sustainability Report.