Cat® Connect Technology Improvements Include Safety and Sustainability
Through monitoring fuel-burn and carefully managing resource consumption, customers can improve job site efficiency while protecting the environment in which they operate

Recently, Caterpillar introduced a new framework of technologies and services — called Cat® Connect — to help customers in other industries monitor, manage and enhance their operations, which will, in turn, improve their bottom line.
"Using connected data from technology-equipped machines, customers now have the ability to get a true view of what's going on at their job site," said Caterpillar Technology & Solutions Manager John Carpenter. "They can monitor everything from the productivity of their machines to fuel consumption and maintenance needs to the overall availability of their fleet regardless of brand or type."
According to Carpenter, Cat Connect gives customers the flexibility to find the right combination of technologies and services to meet job site requirements. "With Cat Connect, customers have the ability to choose just one solution or multiple solutions to help monitor, manage and enhance operations — regardless of the size and complexity of their operation and regardless of whether it's a piece of Cat® equipment or one of our competitors."
Cat Connect offers improvement in four areas — equipment management, productivity, safety and sustainability.
Equipment Management helps customers increase uptime and reduce operating costs by monitoring fuel burn, location and utilization of machines, as well as health and maintenance issues like hours and fluid contamination.
Productivity monitors production and manages job site efficiency by using technology to measure payloads and cycle times to optimize production and reduce loading and hauling costs. It also utilizes grade and compaction control technologies so operations get done faster with more accuracy and less rework.
Safety increases job site awareness to keep people and equipment safe. This includes on-board camera systems and object/proximity-detection systems that significantly increase the operator's range of vision, contributing to a safer job site.
Sustainability means monitoring fuel-burn and carefully managing resource consumption, customers can reduce operating costs and improve job site efficiency while protecting the environment in which they operate.
Currently, Cat Connect leverages connectivity to more than 250,000 Cat® machines globally.