Caterpillar | Sustaining Longer Life Cycles
Jul 5, 2017 2:00 PM ET
Caterpillar's 2016 Sustainability Report
Earth’s iron ore deposits date to nearly 2 billion years ago. To us, it makes a lot of sense to keep that iron, which we use in our products, around for as long as possible. It’s a concept that also makes a lot of financial sense for our customers and why our remanufacturing and rebuilding businesses are a win for all. Cat Reman focuses on the reclamation, recycling and reuse of parts and components, such as engines, into good-as-new ones. The process keeps materials, such as iron, in our value chain and out of landfills and is less energy-intensive than manufacturing a new machine.
Click here to read more about how the Cat Rebuild programs increase the lifespan of equipment.