Call for Entries for the 2016 Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize is Now Open
What is it and how to participate?

We created the Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize to help business-oriented initiatives that address challenges in nutrition, water, or rural development, to scale-up or be replicated.
Through the prize, we reward initiatives that reflect the spirit of Creating Shared Value, an approach any organisation can take to create economic returns by developing solutions to societal problems.
We look for innovative projects, programmes or businesses that have already been tested as a pilot or small scale, have demonstrated high social and environmental impact, and need support to become commercially viable.
We invest financial and technical resources in the winning initiatives, with the objective of helping them be brought to scale and to achieve financial sustainability. The winners share a total of CHF 500,000 in prize money (approx. USD 540,000).
2016 PrizeThe call for entries for the 2016 Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize is now open. Nominate innovative initiatives until 28 February 2015. Applications will be reviewed from March - September 2015. The Prize Laureate will be announced in 2016.
More information is available in the Official Rules (pdf, 223 Kb) and in the Frequently Asked Questions (pdf, 160 Kb)
Any questions? Contact us at