Building Better Leaders for a More Sustainable Future

Building better leaders for a more sustainable future
Corporate citizenship can advance only when efforts are guided by informed and dedicated leaders—and leadership happens not just at the top of organizations, but from every seat.
That’s why, every year, corporate citizenship professionals from around the world come to the Center’s Corporate Citizenship Leadership Academy, an intensive trimester-long program that aims to strengthen leaders so that they can more effectively engage and influence their colleagues, improve organizational alignment, and broaden support, ultimately increasing long-term business and social value for their companies.
To kick off the program, participants—experienced business people with broad portfolios of responsibilities—travel to the Boston College campus for a week of interactive learning with faculty, business leaders, and peers. When they return to their organizations, they are better prepared to attack the particular issues that stall the progress of their efforts, with continued support and guidance from Center experts.
The Academy provides a unique opportunity to foster peer networks and encourage engagement with other players in the corporate citizenship field. Participants forge relationships that continue to benefit them throughout their careers, and serve as a conduit for continual innovation, insight, feedback, and support. Different industries face different challenges and opportunities, though leaders everywhere know the strain of carving out recognition and support for ESG programs amidst the demands of day-to-day business. During their studies, the Leadership Academy’s Class of 2014 learned quickly that, in order to develop new initiatives or broaden the reach of successful programs, it is imperative to lead with authority and secure executive buy-in.