Booster Is Customer First, Always

The idea for Booster came to Frank Mycroft, our Founder and CEO, at home.
When his wife was pregnant with their first child, she told Frank she never wanted to go to the gas station again. The customer experience was terrible, and not just for those expecting. Gas stations tend to be dirty, inconvenient, often unsafe and are significant contributors to pollution.
Frank readily took over fueling duties for the family, but couldn’t shake the core of his wife’s complaint: nobody enjoys fueling their vehicles. In a way, Frank’s wife was Booster’s first customer. In making sure she never had to fuel her vehicle again by taking the task off her plate, he realized he could do this for drivers across the country. He knew that consumers wanted and deserved the best experience possible, no matter what the product or service was; even if it was fueling. That was the genesis of Booster’s customer value — one of our six core values to live and work by.
“We’re in this business to serve the customer in their daily work life; to make each driver’s route go a little smoother and each fleet manager’s operations more efficient and sustainable,” says Ericka Ramon, VP of Account Management and Customer Success at Booster. “All that we do — from sourcing a wide range of traditional and sustainable fuels to serve every customer's needs, to developing a real-time fleet data portal — is with their benefit in mind.”
As Booster has evolved, our service has come to offer so much more value than fueling alone. For some customers, sustainability is king. For others, cost savings and renewed efficiency are business drivers. We recognize that each fleet’s needs and wants are different, and we are committed to tailoring service and working with them to develop the best outcome for their goals. Here are just a few customers we’ve helped to gain sustainability, efficiency, cost-savings and fleet insights.
When Cintas — an American supplier of business products and services including uniforms, mats, mops, cleaning and restroom supplies, and more — came to Booster, the company wanted to optimize employee hours to give their customers the best service possible in the time given.
The company found that valuable employee time was spent fueling at gas stations, which decreased route efficiency and employee output. To help them make the most of every hour, we worked with them to develop personalized, on-site fuel delivery so every vehicle starts the day with a full tank. No more off-route gas station errands required, and no more pesky management of various individual fuel card transactions.
With our service, Cintas was able to refocus 12 hours per driver monthly, reduce vehicle wear & tear by eliminating more than 5,700 miles monthly, and save more than $25,000 in monthly fueling costs.
Stanley Steemer
Stanley Steemer, a leading provider of professional cleaning services and products in the United States, came to Booster with drivers in mind. For the company’s large fleet of expensive vehicles and equipment, driver safety is paramount.
With a steady flow of service calls each day, management needed to mitigate risks while maintaining a high level of employee productivity. Skilled service professionals spent time fueling at gas stations and handling other vehicle maintenance needs, which slowed down service times and was an ineffective use of labor hours. Stanley Steemer also had challenges balancing their monthly fuel budget due to varying costs and inconsistent employee reporting.
With mobile fueling services by Booster, Stanley Steemer’s time management issues were solved. Now, employees avoid potentially harmful situations at gas stations, freeing up valuable hours each week to service customers. Booster’s service conveniently fuels vehicles on-site during off-peak hours, allowing fleet operations to continue without interruption. Stanley Steemer also eliminated budgeting issues with guaranteed local fuel prices and gained deeper insight into fuel spend with the Booster Insights dashboard.
The Customer-Centric Outlook
As a customer-focused organization, we know that the client is not the only customer. At Booster, our customer-first mindset considers the needs, wants, emotions, and challenges of not only our external customers, but our internal customers as well. Within our own operations, we treat each other with the utmost respect, providing deliverables and centering the needs of our internal teammates in the same way we would our external teammates. It’s one way we’ve gotten so much practice at customer-service.
We pride ourselves in delivering the technology, innovation and operational excellence our customers require to thrive. We offer every customer the best service experience, backed by a safety-first culture that fosters a healthy and sustainable environment. We follow through on our customer commitments in every aspect of every service that we offer. To reach this goal, Booster team members are constantly considering the customers at hand, mapping efforts to these key questions:
- Do I understand my customer’s needs and wants?
- Can I feel the customer’s pain and joy?
- What problem is my customer trying to solve?
- Did I ask my customer for their input before, during and after this project?
Above all, our customer value ensures we continue to innovate, create, and build the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons, at the right time. This creates credibility, compassion and longevity in our customer relationships.
And while we certainly have our eye on changing the world, we’ll never lose sight of what started it all: the person behind the wheel (or at the pump). As Ericka Ramon put it, “We have a lot of lofty goals at Booster, from revolutionizing fleet fueling to driving innovation of sustainable, decarbonized transportation energy. But at the heart of it all, our dedication is and always has been to the customer.”