BNSF Listed Among "Green Supply Chain Partners"

BNSF listed among "Green Supply Chain Partners"
BNSF Railway was recently listed among Inbound Logistics magazine's top 75 "Green Supply Chain Partners" for this year. The magazine recognized BNSF for employing a range of technologies that support its emission-reduction efforts, including GenSet locomotives. BNSF operates 82 GenSets in Texas and California. In addition, 92 percent of the Class I’s more than 7,300 locomotives are equipped with idle-control devices. The idle-control mechanisms save fuel and reduce emissions by automatically shutting down locomotives that are not in use.
For the sixth year in a row, BNSF provided its intermodal, automotive, industrial products and agricultural products customers with customized letters that analyzed their total rail carbon footprint savings compared to movement of those shipments exclusively over the highway. BNSF customers continue to make significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions shipping their freight by rail instead of entirely over the road. In 2013, BNSF customers again reduced their carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2e) by more than 30 million metric tons. That is equivalent to eliminating the consumption and resultant emissions from more than three billion gallons of diesel fuel, or six million passenger vehicles.
BNSF has also made a substantial investment in the acquisition of 3,300 locomotives since the year 2000 and has remanufactured more than 2,800 locomotives, making it one of the newest and most environmentally efficient fleets in North America.