Better CSR Advice for SMEs
A report from Berlin

CSR for SMEs - A Report from Berlin
Six years ago we didn’t think we’d see 100 CSR for SME experts in one room any time soon. It was worth the wait.
Coethica narrowly missed out on hosting the EU Commission’s European ‘Better CSR Advice for SMEs’ networking event, possibly in part because we wanted to tie it into the incredibly successful Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2012 – which was only 12 or so weeks after the announcement of the successful bidder. Our MD, David Connor has something of a reputation for thriving under last minute pressure of which I’m certain the EU wouldn’t have been in a position to appreciate from our application!
The ‘Better CSR Advice for SMEs’ event held in Berlin last week was to follow a Bar Camp / Open Space Technology type formats to provide the attendees with a greater say in the content discussed and delivered (which was refreshingly stipulated in the original EU tender document). The invitees were intended to be advisers to SMEs, not the smaller business themselves, although many advisers in fact worked for SMEs. David also jumped at the invitation to co-host a workshop on ‘CSR / sustainability Communications’.