B.C. LNG Poised to Reduce Global GHGs
Estimated 1.6 million deaths in China linked to air pollution. B.C. LNG projects can help reduce global GHGs.

B.C. LNG projects will reduce global GHG emissions and air pollution, experts s…
While many Canadians have enjoyed the products produced in China – think furniture, toys, games, clothing, cars – there is a dark side to industrialization in that country.
It’s estimated that 1.6 million deaths a year in China are linked to air-pollution from the primarily coal-based production processes in that country.
Unfortunately, the quality of the air Canadians and Americans breathe are not immune from the impact of that activity. For example:
- 20 per cent of total sulfate pollution found on B.C.’s coastline comes from China. (The primary source of sulfate particles is industrial activity — especially the burning of high sulphur coal for power generation.)
- The main human source of mercury in Canadian air is attributed to foreign industrial activity in Asia. Environment Canada says mercury poses significant health risks to humans and wildlife in Canada.
- In America, China is "exporting its air pollution" to that country’s west coast as well, offsetting about 43 percent of area efforts to reduce ozone emissions.
B.C. Projects poised to lower annual greenhouse gas emissions by 176 million tones
That’s where Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects now on the books in B.C. come in.
Experts believe these projects could reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG emissions) by as much as 176 million tonnes annually, as well as lower air pollution levels on the coasts of both countries.
- 7 of 10 proposed LNG pipeline projects going ahead in B.C. would achieve these targets
- Research suggests natural gas exported from B.C.-based LNG terminals would largely replace coal-fired facilities in Asian countries including China, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
First Nations LNG Alliance weighs in on environmental threat from Asia
The First Nations LNG Alliance agrees, also weighing in on the very real threat posed by industrialization in Asia.
Natural gas, used in power generation, emits about 50 per cent fewer greenhouse gases than coal and far fewer smog-causing air pollutants.
B.C. has vast natural gas reserves, enough to both satisfy domestic demand and help meet growing global demand. The IEA projects that worldwide demand for natural gas will increase 48 per cent by 2035.
Show your support
- Show your support for TransCanada’s LNG related projects in B.C. by following them on Twitter: @CoastalGasLink and @PRGTPipeline.
- Getting Canada’s LNG (liquefied natural gas) to new markets will bring thousands of jobs and a much-needed boost to the economy, all to the benefit of Canadian families. Will you sign the pledge today and show your support for Canadian LNG?