Announcing the 2022 FedEx Cares Report

FedEx Cares is committed to building connections between people and opportunities.
Our Citizenship Report features our global community engagement program throughout calendar year 2022. It highlights our progress in the key areas of Delivering for Good, Global Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Logistics, along with our organization-wide endeavors in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Employee Engagement. The report also showcases the significant achievements made through our FedEx Cares 50 by 50 initiative.
Together in 2022, we transported $2.3 million in aid to Ukraine and helped feed 1,500 people per day in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. We invested over $4 million in small businesses and trained 3,000 entrepreneurs in e-commerce. We invested in new ways to capture carbon and scale electric vehicles. We sent first generation students to college and helped connect women of color to jobs and economic mobility. Our team members volunteered their time and skills to advise nonprofit and city leaders all over the world.
Read more about these efforts and achievements in the 2022 FedEx Cares Report.
Our FedEx Cares team members and nonprofit partners inspire us every day with their unwavering commitment to delivering critical services to communities in need across the globe. We are continually inspired by their dedication and passion.