Animal Rescue Efforts Provide Care and Shelter Following Hurricane Ida

On August 29, Hurricane Ida, a category 4 storm, struck the Louisiana gulf coast and caused massive destruction, flooding, and power outages. For animal welfare organizations like the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), disaster response became top priority to assist the many displaced and possibly injured animals in the hardest hit areas.
At the request of the Louisiana State Animal Rescue Team (LSART), the ASPCA® disaster response team performed boots-on-the-ground operations, conducting water and land rescues throughout southern Louisiana for animal victims impacted by Hurricane Ida. These efforts were performed in collaboration with IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) and Code 3 Associates to bring animals to safety.
“The bravery and dedication of animal welfare groups and agencies collaborating to move vulnerable animals out of harm’s way has been absolutely inspiring, and we’re proud to have our specialists among them to assist Gulf Coast communities devastated by Hurricane Ida,” said Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the ASPCA. “As the work shifts from water and land rescues to operating emergency animal shelters, we will continue to do all we can to support these animals and their owners.”
ASPCA® is supporting sheltering needs through an emergency shelter in Knoxville, Tennessee, with the Humane Society of Tennessee Valley. Shelter support includes housing and care, including medical and behavioral services for homeless cats and dogs displaced by the storm. Through support from FedEx, critical resources were quickly shipped to the shelter to prepare for its new arrivals.
While many animals are being reunited following the storm, there are those that were homeless prior. ASPCA® has been evacuating more than 150 homeless animals out of impacted communities. Those animals will be made available for adoption in their post-storm sheltering locations.
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