America’s Charities’ Simply Giving Workplace Giving Solution Unveils New Technology Features Enhancing Corporate Engagement

For almost forty years, America’s Charities has been at the forefront of workplace giving innovation, helping companies and employee donors bring more resources to nonprofits that are changing our world.
When most employers were only using paper pledge forms in the late 90’s/early 2000’s, America’s Charities paved the way to the future with its award-winning PledgeFirst e-giving solution, helping dozens of America’s most-renowned companies use technology to facilitate their employee giving campaigns for a first time.
Since then, we’ve been continuously growing and innovating our portfolio of employee giving and engagement solutions, and partnered with technology leaders to further optimize the workplace giving solutions we have to offer employers.
In 2016, after partnering with the technology leader StratusLIVE, we retired PledgeFirst and replaced it with our Simply Giving solution, blazing the trail for any employer—regardless of size, budget or bandwidth—to make a real difference in the lives of their employees and communities.
As we continue working with StratusLIVE to further innovate workplace giving technology for our employer clients, we are pleased to share the latest list of enhancements to our Simply Giving solution, all of which improve donor engagement and support campaign management capabilities and functionality.
“Self-registration, one of our new features, makes it convenient for new employees or retirees to self-register on the corporate site and give towards the campaign. Jim Starr, President and CEO of America's Charities expressed, "With the wide array of employee giving programs we facilitate, this latest feature update from our partner, StratusLIVE, will speed up the go-live process and allow for more flexibility when new employees join the organization during the campaign."
New features covered in our latest release include:
- Self- Registration: provides support for individuals to create an account on the corporate site without having to be preloaded. This allows organizations to run their campaigns more quickly by having the option to not preload each employee and makes it convenient for new employees or retirees to self-register on the corporate site and give towards the campaign.
- Global Charity Information tool: delivers more details to donors, including charity logos, address, website URL, and charity description.
- Campaign builder: a new easy way to create cause-related campaigns with rich images, media, content, giving widgets, social network integration, and more.
- Multiple Corporate Campaign Support: organizations can run multiple campaigns concurrently, which enables a number of new scenarios such as fundraising for multiple cause-related campaigns, events, holidays, or disaster relief.
- Business Intelligence Cube: Quickly and easily create dashboards to produce an accurate snapshot of donors, campaigns, and fundraising success across multiple departments, which allows organizations to optimize impact, save valuable time, and increase fundraising revenue.
Giving should be a simple, rewarding experience. Ready to get started and bring our Simply Giving solution to your workplace?