Albertsons Companies Pharmacies Adopt TemperPack's ClimaCell™ Packaging

The move is expected to divert up to 75,000 pounds of waste from the landfill every year
Feb 12, 2019 1:00 PM ET
Campaign: Products We Sell
TemperPack's paper-based insulator ClimaCell™

Albertsons Companies Pharmacies Adopt TemperPack's ClimaCell™ Packaging

Originally posted on PR Newswire

TemperPack, a leader in sustainable packaging, and Albertsons Companies are teaming up to divert tens of thousands of pounds of waste from the landfill every year.

"We couldn't be more excited to be the first retailer to make the move from Styrofoam to ClimaCell™," said Erin Shaal, Director of Albertsons Companies Specialty Care. "We are proud to have a 100% curb-side recyclable product in our packaging portfolio and know it will benefit our customers and our planet."

Continue reading on PR Newswire. Learn more about Albertsons Companies efforts in product innovation and waste reduction in their latest sustainability update.