AIAG 2016 Quality Summit
Surviving and Thriving Through Industry Transformation

The AIAG 2016 Quality Summit, "Surviving and Thriving Through Industry Transformation", will be focused on helping organizations - from global OEM's, to mega-sized system suppliers, to sub-tier parts, materials, and service providers - adapt their systems and prepare their personnel to not only survive, but thrive and excel, during the transformation of the automotive industry.
Whether the transformation is due to disruptive product technologies, such as adaptive driving systems enabling the autonomous vehicle, attaining critical mass amongst OEM's and suppliers to finally make the shift from 2D drawings to 3D model based enterprise, or adapting to increased oversight and heightened regulatory requirements for field issue management, or a pending revision of the industry's quality management system standard, there is no doubt that the automotive industry is facing a tidal wave of transformative forces.