AEP Releases 2014 Social Performance Summary

American Electric Power released its 2014 Social Performance Summary, highlighting the company’s investment in the communities we serve.
At AEP, being a responsible corporate citizen means supporting the communities where our employees and customers live and work. AEP employees provided thousands of hours of volunteer support for local organizations in 2014. In Central Ohio alone, AEP and the IBEW Local 1466 employees provided funding to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for 675,000 meals.
The American Electric Power Foundation donated $25.3 million in 2014 to support more than 2,500 community organizations. Nearly 30 percent of AEP’s charitable contributions are directed to education, including AEP’s Credits CountSM program designed to eliminate barriers to higher education for urban and rural students and expose them to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers.
AEP also helps support local economic development. AEP provided $2.4 million in economic development grants and contributions in 2014, and nearly 21,000 jobs were created with help from AEP’s Economic & Business Development Team.
Other 2014 social performance highlights include:
- $629.2 million in local taxes paid by AEP to support local, public services
- $56.9 million in energy assistance provided to customers
- Over $10 million committed to AEP’s Credits CountSM program to support STEM education
For more information, view the 2015 Corporate Accountability Report online or download the app in the iTunes store.