AECOM Experts Co-Author Petroleum Industry Remediation Guide

AECOM remediation experts recently co-authored a global handbook for remediatio…
AECOM remediation experts have co-authored a new Good Practice Guide for Management and Remediation of Sites in the Petroleum Industry for the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA).
AECOM senior remediation and environmental engineers Chris Carleo and Kelly Hansel, working closely with experts from major oil and gas companies, co-authored the remediation manual, which details strategies and practices for managing contaminant releases to soil and groundwater from refineries, terminals, gas stations, and exploration and production facilities. The new guide summarizes cleanup principles and approaches, provides a globally applicable risk-based framework for identifying and managing impacts and corrective actions, and aligns innovative and proven risk management and site remediation technologies with industry standards.
AECOM has worked extensively with IPIECA to improve environmental performance and natural resource management, especially in developing countries and emerging economies. Earlier, M. Venkatesh, AECOM senior vice president, process engineering, authored IPIECA's manual on Petroleum Refinery Water and Wastewater Management." According to Venkatesh, "These remediation approaches and techniques can be successfully applied at facilities to produce positive environmental outcomes and cost savings, especially where information on standards and practices is not available." Venkatesh was study manager for the remediation manual.
Carleo has 30 years of experience in site remediation for major industries and expertise in investigation, conceptual site models, feasibility studies, and remedial design and action development. Hansel has 23 years of experience in remediation of petroleum releases to soil, surface and groundwater, sediment, as well as fate and transport and exposure pathways.
AECOM is a premier, fully integrated infrastructure and support services firm with a leading environmental practice serving the oil and gas industry and other clients. IPIECA is the London-based oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, with membership covering half of the world's oil production, and principal communication channel with the United Nations.
Read AECOM's global handbook for remediation in the petroleum industry and visit the company's oil and gas section for more information.
With nearly 100,000 employees — including architects, engineers, designers, planners, scientists and management and construction services professionals — serving clients in more than 150 countries around the world following the acquisition of URS, AECOM is a premier, fully integrated infrastructure and support services firm. AECOM is ranked as the #1 engineering design firm by revenue in Engineering News-Record magazine’s annual industry rankings. The company is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, oil and gas, water, high-rise buildings and government. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world's built, natural and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM companies, including URS, had revenue of $19.2 billion during the 12 months ended June 30, 2014. More information on AECOM and its services can be found at
AECOM Technology Corporation
Ed Mayer, +1.732.564.3380
Director, Corporate Communications