7 Tips for Resonating With Millennial Employees & Their Desire to Do Good
Jul 22, 2014 12:45 PM ET

America’s Charities Employee Engagement & CSR Blog
Do you know what the year 2020 has in store for your organization? In just over 5 years from now, the Millennials (also known as Generation Y) will make up the majority of your employees and co-workers. And they’re bringing significant changes with them.
As studies such as Achieve’s 2014 Millennial Impact Report have revealed, “Millennials don’t check their interest in causes at the door; they bring these passions to work.” Leveraging those passions - both causes they care about and skills they bring to the table - and resonating with this generation is becoming crucial for any organization.
Get started with these 7 tips for resonating with Millennial employees: