6 Tips for Attracting Millennial Employees

6 Tips for Attracting Millennial Employees
Millennials, millennials!! Those born between the years 1980 and 2000 - everyone’s talking about them… what they’re like, how they’re “different” from generations before them, how they’re changing workplace dynamics, etc. And for good reason because, as the Department of Labor reports, there are over 30 million millennial employees in the U.S. (as of April 2015), making them the largest demographic in America’s workforce – so employers, of course, want to know all about them.
Now, if you think about it, in generations past, employers weren’t overly concerned about generational change in the workforce because they pretty much got to dictate who did what and how… but this time around, something’s different and employers are sitting up and taking note. That’s because this millennial generation is way more empowered and influential – from their buying power to their handle on the limitless potential of social media - millennials are notoriously good at addressing issues and being a voice for causes they espouse… like no generation before them! Read More