5 Powerful Ways to Create an Inspiring Work Culture for Millennials
by Paul Polizzotto, President and Founder of EcoMedia

Originally published on Inc.com
In the next 10 years, millennials will comprise nearly 75 percent of the workforce; over a quarter expect to have six employers or more during the course of their careers. There's already stiff competition amongst companies to hire the "best and brightest" of the younger generation. So, given all this, how can managers attract the top millennial talent and ensure that they stay?
Paul Polizzotto--founder and president of CBS EcoMedia has thought long and hard about this question. Says Polizzotto, "The future of my business depends on my ability to create a company culture that provides millennials with ample opportunity to make meaningful contributions, in an environment that they find interesting and inspiring." Indeed, the future of every business depends on recruiting and retaining talented millennials.