23 CSR & Corporate Volunteering Conferences – Where to Go this Fall (UPDATED)
By Corey Diamond

Upcoming CSR & Corporate Volunteering Conferences (Fall, 2014)
1. First Congress of Corporate Volunteering
Ibero-American Congress
Sept. 4-5, 2014. Bogota, COLUMBIA
Oct. 21-22, 2014. Barcelona, SPAIN
“This is a unique event among companies, NGOs, and public institutions on both sides of the Atlantic to discuss and advance the lines of development of corporate volunteering in the coming years. Throughout 2014, there are activities in 10 countries, undertaken by 6 international working groups, culminating in conferences in Mexico City, Bogota, and Barcelona.”
2. Sustainable Brands 2014
Sustainable Brands
Sept. 4-5, 2014. Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
USD $2200
Sept. 24-26, 2014. Boston, MA
USD $1295-2295
Oct. 21-22, 2014. Kuala Lampur, MALAYSIA
RM 2850
Nov. 3-5, 2014. London, UK
£ 645-1095
“Launched in 2006, Sustainable Brands has become a global learning, collaboration, and commerce community of forward-thinking business and brand strategy, marketing, innovation, and sustainability professionals who are leading the way to a better future. Each event covers topics specific to geographic regions, as well as topics such as New Metrics.”
3. 2014 Corporate Citizenship Conference
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Sept. 8-9, 2014. Washington, DC
USD $895-995
“This conference is focused on results. In today’s world, companies must ensure that every dollar spent is meaningful, that every employee volunteer opportunity is worthwhile, and that every investment shows a return. There is more pressure than ever from corporate stakeholders to show meaningful outcomes. From philanthropy to shared value, from sustainability to governance, from partnerships to employee engagement, companies must ensure their work is driving measurable, lasting impact.”
4. Business and Community Engagement Forum
Volunteer Canada
Sept. 9-10, 2014. Ottawa, ON
CAD $225 (members) / CAD $350 (non-members)
“The Forum provides attendees with an opportunity to showcase and explore practices, models, and tools that strengthen community engagement and employer-supported volunteering in Canada.”
5. 20th Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference
NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations)
Sept. 10-11, 2014. Sheffield, UK
£194-290 (members) / £251-376 (non-members)
“The conference brings together academics, practitioners, and policy makers with a shared interest in the voluntary sector and volunteering. In 2014, NCVO, VSSN, and IVR will again be working in partnership to organise the event.
6. 23rd World Volunteering Conference
IAVE (International Association for Volunteer Effort)
Sept. 15-20, 2014. Gold Coast, AUS
“The theme of what will be IAVE’s 23rd World Conference is Volunteering, Today’s Imperative. The 23rd IAVE World Volunteer Conference will give delegates the opportunity to learn from and network with distinguished international speakers and expert trainers, as well as leaders from the international volunteering community, governments and the corporate sector.”
7. VolunteerMatch Client Summit
Volunteer Match
Sept. 18-19, 2014. Detroit, MI
Members Only
“The two day, invitation-only event, to be held at the GM Renaissance Center, will showcase ideas and best practices in corporate volunteering, employee engagement, and community impact. In attendance at the event will be practitioners and experts in corporate social responsibility (CSR), including representatives from the VolunteerMatch family of corporate clients. Session topics will range from inspiring employee giving and measurement of volunteer programs to effective corporate-nonprofit partnerships.”
8. Clinton Global Initiative 2014 Annual Meeting
Sept. 21-24, 2014. New York, NY
Invite Only
“Hosted by President Bill Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton, the 10th Annual Meeting will bring CGI members together under the 2014 theme of Reimagining Impact to facilitate the development of forward-thinking approaches that re-envision the way we impact the world.”
9. 5th Annual Responsible Business Awards
Ethical Corporation
Sept. 29, 2014. London, UK
£199 (NGO) – £349
“Entering its 5th year, the Responsible Business Awards are the only sustainability awards that will give you the international recognition that you and your team deserves. With the categories covering all key areas of business from employee engagement, CR reporting to best business/NGO partnership and most effective community investment, there is a great scope for you to show your business excellence.”
10. 2014 IARSLCE Annual Conference
International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement
Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2014. New Orleans, LA
USD $250-475
“The IARSLCE Annual Research Conference is targeted to scholars, practitioners, students, and community partners interested in research on service-learning, community based research, campus-community partnerships, and civic learning outcomes in P-20 education. Attendees include faculty, administrators, and scholar-practitioners in higher education, community partners, educators in K-12, and professionals and leaders in educational policy and community development. To advance understanding of scholarship from international perspectives, scholars from outside of the United States are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.”
11. Volunteering in European Welfare & Social Services (VIEWSS)
European Volunteer Centre
Oct. 2-3, 2014. Turin, ITALY
“The online CEV Volunteering Infrastructure Publication compiles reports on the different volunteer support systems in place across several European countries. The report highlighted that the legal and financial frameworks as well as the operational spheres for volunteer organisations are going through an unprecedented period of change. The results of the study showed that in order to reach more reliable conclusions further triangulation of results must be facilitated and therefore further data needs to be collected and analysed. The meeting of CEV members in Turin in on 2 and 3 October 2014 will provide an ideal opportunity for this.”
12. Commit! Forum
CR Magazine
Oct. 8-9, 2014. New York, NY
“Do you track corporate responsibility, sustainability or transparency? Are you charged with improving your company’s responsible, sustainable, and transparent practices? Do you need to stay on top of how companies improve their role in society? Then the Commit! Forum is the one must-attend event for you in 2014!”
13. 6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Oct. 8-9, 2014. Berlin, GERMANY
€70 – €790
14. 2014 HRPS Strategic HR Forum
HR People and Strategy, Inc.
Oct. 19-21, 2014. Boston, MA
$1295 (members)- $1995 (non-members)
“This is an intimate opportunity for senior level HR leaders to learn from, engage with and exchange ideas with noted business leaders, academics, and each other. The 2014 Forum will focus on the innovative HR strategies and practices that are driving and impacting business performance. Conference contributors include senior, results-oriented practitioners, researchers and thought leaders who will explore the complex social, economic and organizational issues that continue to shape how HR supports business.”
15. IVCO 2014: Volunteering in a Convergent World: Fostering Cross-Sector Collaborations Towards Sustainable Development Solutions
World University Services of Canada
Oct. 19-22, 2014. Lima, PERU
CAD $1075-$1475
“The International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum), World University Service of Canada (WUSC), and the Center for International Study and Cooperation (CECI) will host IVCO, the annual conference on international volunteering, from October 19-22, in Lima, Peru. The conference will gather heads of volunteer organizations and delegates from public, private, academic, and non-governmental sectors across the world to discuss key contemporary issues in international volunteering and development, and share best practices.”
16. Business for Social Responsibility
Nov 4-7, 2014. New York, NY
“The BSR Conference 2014 will bring together more than 1,000 leaders in business and sustainability from around the world to share their expertise and knowledge. For more than 21 years, our conference has provided the preeminent global platform for sharing best practices, collaborative approaches, and opportunities to advance sustainable business. Join us in New York November 4-7 to accelerate progress as we work to create a just and sustainable world.”
17. Annual Conference
Net Impact
Nov 6-8, 2014. Minneapolis, MN
“Net Impact brings together 2,600 professionals and students dedicated to using their careers to change the world. More than 350 speakers will join us for 100 interactive sessions on social and environmental impact.”
18. 2014 Independent Sector Annual Conference
Independent Sector
Nov 16-18, 2014. Seattle, WA
“The most important networking event of the charitable sector, where we will harness the spirit, creativity, and innovation of the Pacific Northwest. Our program will inspire new ideas, examine ways to achieve greater impact, strengthen the charitable community by sharing our struggles and solutions, and create opportunity for new collaborations that improve the lives of the people we serve.”
19. 2014 Talent Acquisition Innovation Forum
Human Capital Institute (HCI)
Dec 11-12, 2014. San Francisco, CA
“Keeping on top of the latest technologies and trends continues to challenge all key talent acquisition teams. As talent attraction become more competitive, you need to know the latest innovations in mobile, social recruiting and other technologies and techniques to keep you ahead of the curve. To prepare you for 2015, we’ll provide our audience with the latest cases of talent acquisition innovation so you can jump ahead of your competition to find the right people, right now.”
20. Companies and Causes Canada
Cause Marketing Forum
Oct 29, 2014. Toronto, ON
CAD $595
“Companies & Causes Canada is an initiative of the US-based Cause Marketing Forum. Over the past several years, we’ve noticed a trend in our members, conference-goers and award submissions. More and more Canadian-based companies and causes were reaching out and participating in these programs and initiatives. This conference will highlight and explore the latest developments in cause marketing throughout Canada.”
Realized Worth’s Chris Jarvis will be keynote presenting on the “Transformative Company”
Are you heading on the road with a stack of business cards and a fully charged phone? Tell us where you’re going in the comment section below or via contact@realizedworth.com – maybe we’ll see you there!
Corey Diamond
Partner, Business Operations