Tetra Tech Sparks Interest in STEM Careers
Working with local communities to generate student interest in science and engineering

Tetra Tech Sparks Interest in STEM Careers
Tetra Tech’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Program aims to help students at all levels—from kindergarten to graduate school—develop an interest in these four technical fields. The program launched in 2016 as part of the company’s 50th Anniversary, and employees around the world hosted events that reached more than 5,800 people from 5 countries. Our employees are helping advance STEM and share their passion for innovation by engaging students during classroom visits, science activities, mentorships, and much more. By supporting STEM education, Tetra Tech is helping grow the next generation of innovators and problem solvers. The students who benefit from this program today are the future employees who will continue Tetra Tech’s legacy of Leading with Science.
We are pleased to highlight some of the activities employees around the globe participated in during 2016.
Beswick Elementary, Tustin, California
Tetra Tech staff from Irvine, California, visited Beswick Elementary, where they presented to 140 fourth graders and their teachers. The presentation covered topics such as engineering, the importance of STEM, and Tetra Tech’s work in these fields. The presentation included a dam/levee model demonstration, which was videotaped to be shared with the other fourth grade classes at Beswick. The students enthusiastically engaged and asked questions throughout the presentation and during a subsequent small group discussion.
Fish Creek School, Calgary, Alberta
Tetra Tech visited Fish Creek School to teach 82 students about the importance of watersheds. Employees began by providing Tetra Tech’s Future Engineering: The Clean Water Challenge books to the school and engaging the students in a hands-on watershed activity. The students learned about the water cycle, what happens in a watershed, and the watershed where they live. Tetra Tech led the students in an experiment to observe first-hand how a watershed works and encouraged them to discuss their observations.
Lower Lake High School, Lower Lake, California
During recovery efforts for the Clayton Valley Fire, Tetra Tech and its client, the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), gave back to a Northern California community recently ravaged by fire. CalRecycle and Tetra Tech visited a local high school to present about the recovery work to 140 students (4 classes). CalRecycle began with a brief description of the work they were completing to remediate the damaged homes around the school and the community after the fire. Tetra Tech then explained the debris management, air sampling and monitoring our team was completing around the school and community during removal operations. Our employees also discussed and completed a classroom activity on local watersheds and how students can help conserve water.
Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts
One of our Tetra Tech employees visited her alma mater, Merrimack College, to discuss innovations in wind technology and her role at Tetra Tech. Attendees included faculty and a range of engineering students from various fields including civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. During the last hour of the presentation, our employee held an open forum for female engineers, where she discussed her experience in engineering.
Shelton View Elementary, Bothell, Washington
A Tetra Tech employee led a two-hour map and compass use activity with local fifth and six grade classes. Students built upon previous map education by learning to take bearings from a map and how maps are used in industry, beyond simply getting around town. Students then learned how to use a compass to determine cardinal directions, set and record bearings, and use the compass to navigate an outdoor course.
Tetra Tech’s STEM Program continues to advance beyond its 50th anniversary inception, enabling our employees to share their knowledge and spark a passion for science and engineering fields with students in our local communities.