Sustainability Professionals: How to Express Yourself with Social Media
Blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Company
Jan 5, 2012 1:31 PM ET
Taiga Company blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Compa…
“Social networks aren’t about Web sites. They’re about experiences.” – Mike DiLorenzo, NHL social media marketing director
The path of business sustainability is a journey. And what makes up a journey? Experiences. As sustainability consultants, we're aware that high level sustainability concepts are universal and easier to understand. However, what is compelling is the expression of how an individual or a company embraces those sustainability concepts to deliver results. We're all captivated by the unique sustainability experiences but equally important is its delivery and expression.
Social media has proven to be an innovative and effective way to address two of the biggest hurdles around sustainability: defining what it is and providing the means and channels for sharing sustainability experiences.
Question: Are You Making the Most of Social Media?
Leveraging today’s tools, progressive organizations armed with business sustainability strategies are reaching new levels of communicating sustainability successes. But what about the sustainability professionals helping them? As more and more of our colleagues have asked for guidance on online presence with blogging and profiles on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, we've discovered that both larger organizations and individual consultants are faced with an initial tripping point.
What exactly is social media?
How can social media support and enhance sustainability?
How to define the voice, tone and expression of online communications?
What are the best platforms to express sustainability views, successes, and experiences?
How can social media support sustainability consulting business development and branding?