Supporting Education in Rural Indonesia: Musim Mas' Efforts to Provide Quality Education

Jan 24, 2022 8:00 AM ET

To meet the needs of rural communities in geographically expansive Indonesia, Musim Mas has been helping build schools. These schools provide quality education to children living around the company’s vast plantations in rural of the country, through a foundation.

Musim Mas has a long-standing outreach initiative through The Anwar Karim Foundation, or Yayasan Anwar Karim (YAK), which runs programs that address needs like economic development, community facilities, education, and infrastructure.

In 2020, Musim Mas contributed 22 Billion Indonesian Rupiah to the foundation, of which 57% was allocated to our YAK schools.

In May 2021, Musim Mas published its Social Impact Report where, working with the global consultancy Corporate Citizenship, the company identified rural education improvement as one of its priorities. Click here to read the report.