Stella Artois Puts the Global Water Crisis Into Perspective With Waiting Game Stunt
Stella Artois Puts the Global Water Crisis Into Perspective With Waiting Game S…
Earlier this month, Stella Artois used the major marketing power of the Super Bowl to urge fans to help provide access to safe drinking water for people in developing nations. Now the beer giant and their longstanding partner,, are contextualizing the basic need of water and bringing the message to life – beyond the safety of TV screens and couches and into the unsuspecting real world.
Stella Artois is building upon its Super Bowl call to action with a digital campaign created in collaboration with co-founder Matt Damon. As part of the campaign, patrons at restaurants and hotels are told they will need to wait six hours to get drinking water or running water in their rooms. Their shock, frustration and impatience is captured using hidden cameras. Once the tensions rise, Damon appears on a disguised screen, sharing the realities of the global water crisis and putting customers’ experience into perspective. The video leaves viewers speechless, some even tear up when they learn how difficult it is for others to obtain this necessity.
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